Sunday, 2 August 2015

Mozilla Says Microsoft Went Too Far With Windows 10

Mozilla wrote an open letter to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella requesting that Microsoft make it easier for users who upgrade to Windows 10 to maintain their existing program preferences, and to make it easier to change preferences in the future.

The letter is in response to the recent release of Windows 10. When a user upgrades to Windows 10 from a previous OS, Microsoft overwrites several default settings, such as your choices for your default web browser and default search engine. This isn’t such a surprising move for Microsoft to make, as it wants to grow its market share of users on the Edge browser and on Bing, but Mozilla sees it as a mistake.
Mozilla feels that this needlessly forces users into trying products they may not want. Clearly, these users knowingly chose to use the browser they had before upgrading, and if they wanted to use the other browser, they would.

This isn’t the only thing that Mozilla is unhappy about in Windows 10, either. When a user wants to change these settings back, you can’t simply click a button that says “Set as default web browser,” unlike previous OSes. Instead, to set your default web browser back you first click a button that opens a settings panel in Windows 10. You then scroll down, find the web browser preference, and change it to whatever you want it to be.

This isn’t very complicated, but it does take up a user’s time, and it's annoying. It might also be confusing for some users who have difficulty adjusting Windows settings, and surprising to other users who expect that clicking the button will, as it always has in the past, change the setting for you.

Mozilla wants Microsoft to give users back the option to choose their web browser and other preferences without the hassle. We'll be interested to how and if Nadella responds.

Source:  Tomshardware

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