Wednesday, 29 July 2015

9 Factors That Affect a Man’s Fertility

If you are trying to conceive you must know there are many factors that affect a man’s fertility. Your lifestyle plays a big role and that is something you should always keep in mind. But there is no need to worry.

Once you have learned all the factors you need to pay attention to, you will become a dad-to-be in no time.

9. Timing

However trivial it may seem, timing is actually very important if you want a baby. You could be doing everything right but without knowing when your partner is ovulating you simply won’t conceive. Your chances are the strongest in the period between five days to her ovulation day and that day. And they grow steadily to the ovulation day after which they drop rapidly. You can easily control this factor. How? Make sure you and your partner know when she’s ovulating and then have as much sex as you can in that period.

8. STIs

Sexually transmitted infections are a major factor in fertility of both men and women. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the most common ones and particularly dangerous for fertility. Both diseases obstruct the normal sperm flow and prevent ejaculation. One way of protecting yourself from STIs is using condoms during sex. Of course, if you are trying to have a baby you must have unprotected sex, but just to be on the safe side, both partners should be tested for STIs. This way you won’t risk passing the infection to a partner or even to a child.

7. Age

It is a well-known fact that a woman’s age is an important factor when it comes to conception and the child’s health. But you should know that the man’s age also plays a big role. The older the man, the longer it takes to get pregnant. And if the man is older than 45, many problems with the child can occur. The risk of miscarriage is much larger, as well as the risk of autism and mental problems. There is also a chance of not conceiving at all. So if you want a child, you should know when you’re ready, but don’t wait too long.

6. Injuries

When it comes to injuries, it has happened to every man to receive a hit in the testicles, especially if he plays a sport. Apart from being extremely unpleasant, it also affects fertility. So try to keep yourself protected. However, a bigger problem here is cycling. It has been discovered that men who cycle professionally regularly have problems with erection and fertility. Whether it’s from the heat or from the pressure, their sperm has poorer quality. Don’t be alarmed if you cycle as a hobby, though. Leading an active life can only help your fertility.

5. Smoking

Apart from being bad for your health in every possible way, smoking will also affect your fertility. It takes much longer to conceive if one or both partners are smokers. And the more you smoke, the more it affects your fertility. Passive smoking counts here too. Also bear in mind that your smoking affects her fertility. So try to stay away from cigarette smoke and encourage your partner to do so as well. If you do manage to quit smoking, you will be rewarded since all the negative effects of smoking are reversed after a year.

4. Heat

The temperature of the testicles is another factor you shouldn’t overlook. They need to be at a temperature of 34.5 degrees Celsius to produce the best sperm. However, this is not always possible, especially if you work at a place where you are required to sit a lot. Long periods of sitting, as well as working at hot places such as bakeries, cause a rise in temperature which reduces sperm production. So if you absolutely have to sit so much, make sure you make breaks, stand up and move around. Also try to avoid hot baths and saunas.

3. Weight

Your weight also affects fertility. Being overweight reduces the quality and quantity of the sperm and it is more likely for overweight men to have problems with getting an erection. If this is the case, you should consider losing some weight before trying for a baby. Not only will your sperm be healthier, your baby will be too. You should know that with a body mass index above 25, you are considered as overweight. But you can always change your diet for a healthier one and start exercising. But being overweight is not the only factor related to fertility. Being underweight can also negatively affect the quality of the sperm.

2. Medical conditions

Many medical conditions can affect fertility. Some of them are genetic, like Klinefelter’s syndrome, where the man has an additional X chromosome which results in affecting the development of the testicles and reduces sperm production. Other conditions include diabetes, fever, kidney disease, high blood pressure, cancer and even stress. All of these conditions affect fertility by causing erection and ejaculation problems or reducing the sperm count. Some treatments can also play a role here. Taking medication and undergoing surgery can also reduce sperm count and quality, while exposure to radiation can stop sperm production altogether.

1. Alcohol/Drug use

It is simple enough, if you’re planning a pregnancy, you should stay away from alcohol and drugs. Regular alcohol consumption reduces fertility since it lowers sperm count and levels of testosterone. An occasional drink isn’t going to be harmful, but you should definitely cut down on alcohol. It should go without saying that drugs are bad for your health, not to mention if you’re planning a baby. Even if you’re only using steroids, you should consider stopping. Not only do drugs reduce fertility, they cause impotence and lower the quality of your sexual life. Good luck!


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