Three years ago, Sam Smith and British house-pop duo Disclosure released the magical breakout hit "Latch." Now they've reunited on the single "Omen," a track from Disclosure's sophomore album Caracal, set to be released Sept. 25.
The video for "Omen" debuted Monday, and the latest collaboration features Smith, 23, at a mysterious underground dance party in a futuristic metropolis.
Disclosure's Howard Lawrence told EW that he couldn't imagine a new album without Smith
"It just would have felt wrong to not have [Smith] on the record. We speak to Sam everyday. He's our best mate. And he's the best singer in the world. Why would we not put him on the record?" Lawrence said.
"It was really exciting," Lawrence said in a statement. "We had three whole days to hang out with Sam and write, which are two of my favorite things to do."
Smith posted a photo on Instagram Monday with his Disclosure pals, writing: "What a full circled journey it's been. To be releasing music with my best friends again, feels so right @disclosure @jimmynapes"
"MY THROAT IS LOOKING BLOODY FANTASTIC," Smith wrote on Instagram. "So it's amazing news. So happy. It's going to be a really tough month of shows but I can't wait to see you all, and pray it's going to be a smooth ride. LET'S GO."
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