Thursday, 23 July 2015

Nick Cannon ‘America’s Got Talent’ Host Hospitalized

Nick Cannon had to be hospitalized, and it sounds like the America’s Got Talent host might be abusing his body by working a bit too hard. However, he was healthy enough to take a hospital selfie.

On Wednesday, Nick Cannon shared the scary photo above that shows his hairless chest hooked up to a few wires. Cannon didn’t reveal the specific health issue that he had to be hospitalized for, but he hinted that it was related to pushing his body to its limit. The comedian/host/singer/actor does wear many hats, including the bucket hat that he’s trying to bring back in the picture above. TMZ speculates that Nick was suffering from exhaustion.

“Dont worry, Temporary pit stop… Sometimes I can be a little too bull headed and stubborn,” Nick captioned the hospital photo. “I gotta stop running my body to the ground.”

He might not look like he’s in great shape, but at least he still has a healthy sense of humor — he went on to crack a joke about how hard it is to be a superhero.

“I be wanting to grind nonstop but the engine can’t run on fumes. On the low though, I really think I’m a super hero… Now I’m not saying I’m Batman, but I am saying nobody has ever seen me and Batman in the same room together. LOL #ImGood.”

Cannon’s fans will likely be relieved to learn that nothing serious is going on, especially if they’re aware of his past health scares. According to the Huffington Post, the America’s Got Talent host found out that he suffers from the autoimmune disease lupus nephritis in 2012 after he had to be hospitalized for mild kidney failure and blood clots in his lungs. Even though his disease sounds serious, Cannon says that it won’t shorten his life and that it can be controlled.

“If you catch it early enough, then you can deal with it and live with it forever. But sometimes you can catch it too late, and luckily I caught mine early.”

However, Nick Cannon also said that he needs to get more rest than most people, and this is hard to do because he keeps himself so busy.

“I have to get a lot more sleep, that was [what I feel like] maybe one of the stems of what started all of this, cause I never used to sleep. And fatigue would set in and your kidneys or any organs would start working in overtime and starts to eat itself. So that’s what lupus is.”

Nick’s recent hospitalization isn’t the first sign that he may need to slow down. As the Inquisitr reported, one rumored reason he and Mariah Carey divorced was because his heavy work schedule was keeping him away from his family. He was reportedly taking every job offer that came his way even though he and Mariah didn’t need the money.

Nick Cannon has encountered a cuddling expert and a kissing expert during this season of America’s Got Talent, but it sounds like what “Batman” really needs is a relaxation expert.


>>Nick Cannon Shares Funny Memes About His Single Status

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